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The millennial generation is looking for more than mere services. This generation wants to place its loyalty into brands that stand for something – and conversely, they’ll shun companies with negative messaging behind either their brands or their practices. The truth is that millennials are highly socially conscious and philanthropic. They believe in giving back: %87 of millennials donated to at least one non-profit organization. In keeping with this charitable spirit, Generation millennials look for and form strong bonds of loyalty to brands who put their social responsibility forward and give back to the community.
The millennial generation is looking for more than mere services. This generation wants to place its loyalty into brands that stand for something – and conversely, they’ll shun companies with negative messaging behind either their brands or their practices. The truth is that millennials are highly socially conscious and philanthropic. They believe in giving back: %87 of millennials donated to at least one non-profit organization. In keeping with this charitable spirit, Generation millennials look for and form strong bonds of loyalty to brands who put their social responsibility forward and give back to the community.
ITHCA group is a name in Arabic that means intelligence in the English language, Optimistic visions of the future of intelligence are possible in science technology. Among the many possible scenarios involving artificial intelligence, Although technology is the primary
the focus of intelligence researchers, scientists have also attempted to investigate Individuals differ from one another in their ability to understand complex ideas, to adapt effectively to the environment.
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Insider Studios
Branded Content - Branded Content / Other___
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United States
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Corporate Identity - Corporate Identity / Other___
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Website - Television
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UFC - Ultimate Fighting Championship
Video - TV Ad
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United States