Entrant Company
Client's Name
Country / Region
During the height of the pandemic, Walmart + Nextdoor brainstormed a way to connect neighbors in need with neighbors who wanted to help: the Help Map. This tool allowed vulnerable neighbors to coordinate pickup and delivery of items they needed with someone nearby who was already planning a shopping trip contact-free. On the Help Map, members pinned their house with an accompanying description of how they could help and neighbors in need reached out in droves. There were 10.5+ million unique visitors during Walmart’s sponsorship and 35,000 neighbor connections. Nearby Walmart and Sam’s Club stores were also pinned to direct errand-runners to those locations. Beyond the Help Map, Walmart sponsored Neighbors Helping Neighbors groups on Nextdoor to further promote this amazing tool and 114k members joined. This effort was a true success in numbers, but more importantly, in promoting the core Nextdoor tenant: spreading kindness.
Entrant Company
National Association of Realtors
Corporate Identity - Brand Identity
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Website - Technology / Science
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Video - Animation
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
CO OP Brand Co.
Strategic Program - Brand Strategy Campaign
Country / Region
United States