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The Assignment:
The holidays are an incredible opportunity to connect to your consumers through the “magic” of the season. However, this opportunity would seem less accessible for tech repair. Was it possible to capture that holiday spark while educating consumers that uBreakiFix® by Asurion is here to fix their devices?
The Approach:
After more than a few iterations on a solution, we rallied around the universal truth: holidays can be hard on tech. All the running around, family in the house, and hectic schedules could lead to accidents your tech won’t recover from without help. By using a unique perspective and a little holiday “magic”, we aimed to bring that story to life.
We opened on a typical home during the holidays that suddenly shifted into chaos. All the members seemed almost unphased as laptops, gaming devices and tablets met unfortunate circumstances. The entire house seemed to sway back and forth. Was this the holidays? As our grandpa character lands near the window, he remarks that it’s snowing. This causes the camera to pan out until we learn the truth, this family lives in a snowglobe that a young boy is playing with. The holidays really are when their tech gets hit the hardest!
As we step away from our holiday story, we let customers know that while the holidays can be a burden to your devices, you can get the repairs you need at uBreakiFix® by Asurion.
Our timeline was short. The holiday season was almost upon us and our idea was a big one. We created a huge moving house, strapped our performers in and created something we’re very proud of just in time for the first snow.
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Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Audio - Podcast
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United States
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Branded Content - Food & Beverage
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