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Cisco Umbrella is a cloud-native platform that delivers the fastest, most reliable and secure internet experience to more than 100 million users daily. Umbrella unifies firewall, secure web gateway, DNSlayer security, cloud access security broker (CASB), and threat intelligence solutions into a single platform to help businesses of all sizes secure their networks.
To maximize the value of a Cloud Security Report commissioned by Cisco, we designed and developed an interactive infographic to tease out highlights from the report. Given the depth of content available, we avoided a static form factor and instead developed the infographic in an engaging interactive format. The infographic enabled users to drill down and learn more about specific types of threats, better understand where the threats are concentrated – by location, by vertical, and by business size, and see how Cisco compares to other solution providers. The infographic was used as an ungated awareness offer that pushed the full (gated) report, as well as an on-demand webinar covering emerging threats.
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Event - COVID-19-Related
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Entrant Company
Pan Am Museum Foundation
Audio - Podcast
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United States
Entrant Company
WHM Creative
Integrated Marketing - Company Branding
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Shanghai Zihun Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Typography - Typefaces / Font System
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