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The beginning of Master’s Barber Shop comes from an opinion of the founder: Eric Feng, who has been in barber shop more than 20 years. He believes “Make the most of a skill it’s become an art”, and a person has best skill we call “Master”.
Master Barbershop takes the theme of Chinese style, different from most of the British Barbers in the market. Also use a lot of visual design on store, it become landmark in the Shida shopping area.
The design is based on Chinese’s etiquette “bow with hands”, which is derived from the kung fu competition. It’s symbolize Chinese’s Five Ways of Life and spirit of brave, also added barber's rotating lights.
In the part of the patterns, we use Chinese’s dragon into design, changed the dragon body to decorative line, impressive the visual of the logo, then add the word “Master” to the dragon’s body.
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Corporate Identity - Brand Identity
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Progress Action Fund
Video - Political
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WarnerMedia - Courageous Studios
Video - Medical
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United States
Entrant Company
Video - Social Video
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