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This dramatic thriller focuses on a young woman named Sophie who experiences a traumatic head injury that has left her with extreme memory loss. She embarks on a quest to put the pieces of her life back together, all while attempting to figure out who she can trust. We wanted to play off the title of the series, SURFACE, and incorporate underwater imagery that featured Sophie literally rising to the surface of the water, drifting out of the secrets of what happened to her, and toward the truth.
Entrant Company
Meaningful Works
Corporate Identity - Brand Identity
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Zhiwen (Esther) Tang
Marketing & Promotional - Illustration
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Experiential & Immersive - Virtual Reality
Country / Region
United Kingdom
Entrant Company
CBN / Superbook
Video - Religion / Spirituality
Country / Region
United States