MUSE Silver


Innowave Tech

Entrant Company

Innowave Tech PTE. LTD.


Corporate Identity - Logos

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I dedicated myself to creating a corporate identity that captures memories, takes inspiration from pixel art, and evokes emotions - I Love IWT (Innowave Tech).
Using 187 images, I have created a visual narrative of IWT's history, showcasing the team's unwavering dedication and strong camaraderie while encapsulating memories of shared challenges. This logo represents the company's growth, capturing the heartfelt commitment and profound bond between the group and me, symbolizing the project's inception, completion, and celebration. It bears witness to numerous cherished moments.
Combining the letter "I" with a heart motif and an object (I Love XXX) has gained widespread acceptance and sharing. It symbolizes camaraderie and affection, expressing a yearning for a bright future. However, the incorporation of pixel images within the heart motif to encapsulate memories is a truly exceptional and innovative design. At first glance, it may just seem like a typical heart motif, but its distinctive essence is revealed upon closer inspection. These pixel images present the designer's world and invite viewers to explore an alternate version of life, providing an unforgettable experience.
I incorporated two letters into the design to feature the heart motif. The combination of "I" and the motif would then span three letters, aligning with the space occupied by "IWT." This symmetrical arrangement enhances the design's aesthetics and addresses a common challenge of confining heart motifs to a single letter, which can disrupt the overall layout. Additionally, the appropriately sized bottom line highlights IWT's focus on AI and innovation. These components collectively contribute to a harmonious visual effect. Customizable color options, including black, white, brown, and blue, are available for both the heart and font to accommodate specific preferences.

IWT goes beyond being a company; it embodies the collective aspirations of both the group and myself. To vividly convey this feeling and strengthen the group's bond, I've developed various affiliated products. These include T-shirts, tote bags, keychains, phone cases, tape, and much more.
This design tells a story of friendship, growth, unity, and unwavering determination. It empowers me to create a bright future for myself and inspires and motivates others.

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