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The Zhao’an Hakka Culture Festival in Taiwan’s Yunlin County officially kicked off as the heritage torch was lit in front of a crowd of over 3,000 people. The long line of participants symbolized the unbroken legacy of Zhao’an culture, making for a bustling and spectacular scene. Yunlin County’s Lunbei, Erlun, and Xiluo townships have the highest concentration of people and settlements belonging to the Zhao’an Hakka, one of the five major Hakka groups of Taiwan. These townships continue to preserve the unique heritage of Zhao’an Hakka dialect, customs, culture, and cuisine. In addition to passing on these cultural treasures, Yunlin County hopes to reclaim this cultural and ethnic identity through the Zhao’an Hakka Culture Festival. This also contributes to the protection of global cultural and natural heritage, in keeping with UN SDG 11 “Sustainable Cities and Communities.”
The hallmarks of Zhao’an culture include martial arts, puppet theater, and the box lion puppet. The Yunlin Zhao’an Hakka Culture Festival was themed around the box lion, featuring a Hakka lion performance with the participation of a wide variety of age groups. Local craftspeople and residents were also invited to collaborate on a 3-meter-tall box lion bamboo sculpture, showcasing the community’s efforts in nurturing, passing on, and elevating Zhao’an Hakka culture. The festival attracted thousands of visitors and residents. In addition to experiencing the richness of Hakka culture and tasting authentic Hakka cuisine, festival-goers had the opportunity to participate in spectacular parades and performances that give more people the chance to understand and fall in love with Hakka culture.
The Yunlin Zhao’an Hakka Culture Festival was not just a dazzling celebration of Hakka culture, but also an important opportunity to foster community prosperity and cultural exchange. In addition to promoting the spread and development of culture and inspiring creativity and participation among community members, it also strengthened community spirit and cohesion. We look forward to the continued growth of the Yunlin Zhao’an Hakka Festival, so that the wonders of Hakka culture can be spread far and wide.
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