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People are not individual entities, but a ecosystem surrounded by microbial communities, known as the human microbiome. The human microbiome is like an inner universe of the human body, abstract and mysterious, it is the unique health code for each person. Probiotics are the guardians of the microbiome, protecting our health from the inside out.
Lifespace is a pioneering research brand in the field of human microbiome, and the task of brand upgrade this time is to establish microbiome symbols visually and help Lifespace enrich its brand story and enhance its brand quality. We designed a flexible and changing microbiome graphic as the core visual identification element of Lifespace's brand. The microbiome symbol is always consistent throughout the video advertisements, visual images, and different product packaging. This set of microbiome symbols can take on different forms to adapt to different media, meet the excellent expression needs of various scenarios and products while maintaining distinctive features and consistency, allowing the brand image to be clearly and accurately conveyed to users. After the implementation of the brand upgrade, Lifespace's brand image has become more recognizable, more international, and more trustworthy in the eyes of users.
Entrant Company
PA Consulting
Best Agency Awards - Best Business Campaign
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United Kingdom
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Website - Nonprofit
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United States
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Advertising - Online Ad (Campaign)
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United Arab Emirates
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College of Fashion and Design,Donghua University
Video - Motion Graphics
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