MUSE Platinum


Nobody Cares

Entrant Company

Fiverr International, Ltd.


Social Media - Ad Campaign

Client's Name

Fiverr International, Ltd.

Country / Region

United States

Fiverr's fun, fabulous, over-the-top musical ad puts a catchy show tune to work with the chorus reminding us that AI is only as powerful as the talent using it.

With AI revolutionizing how people work today, its impact on the freelance workforce cannot be understated. Since the introduction of popular AI platforms like OpenAI and Midjourney, freelancers have evolved from fearing that AI will take their jobs to leveraging it as a powerful tool in their arsenals.

To bring this idea to life, Fiverr’s latest ad comes in the form of a short, comedic musical – highlighting that while nobody cares that you used AI for a project, everyone cares about the results.

At a time when professionals and brands alike are finding their footing and best practices when it comes to using AI, Fiverr reminds the public that when it comes to new technology whether it is in the form of new services, products, tools, or platforms, the results ultimately lie in the hands of the people using them.

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