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The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) teamed up with Rokkan to launch CagedForCostco.com, a microsite meant to expose the warehouse/supermarket giant for continuing to allow its egg suppliers to confine chickens in battery cages.
CagedforCostco.com centered around a Rokkan-produced hidden camera-style video, titled Room to Live, in which a realtor shows people New York City's most disgusting apartment to draw an analogy to the unlivable quarters that the hens laying eggs for Costco's shelves endure. The video is available for viewing on the website, as well as on HSUS social media channels including Youtube, Facebook and Twitter.
As CagedforCostco.com is no longer available (the url simply redirects back to http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/campaigns/factory_farming/?credit=web_cagedforcostco) a developer site is available for judges at: http://costco.rokkandev.com/
Entrant Company
Blue Acorn
Website - E-commerce
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Mobile App - Business to Business
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Filipe de Carvalho
Marketing Branding & Design - Infographic / Icon / Pattern
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Entrant Company
365 Connect
Integrated Marketing - Integrated Marketing Campaign
Country / Region
United States