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My Team Triumph is a national non profit. The Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St Paul) chapter was a start up and needed help getting the word out about what they do. What they do and who they are is pretty impressive. They help physically disabled people who can\'t run a race, experience the wind in their hair and the accomplishment of finishing a marathon. Here at Axiom we are grateful to have been able to help get My Team Triumps message out and we think its a wonderful cause. We hope you enjoy the video and we hope the general public steps up and helps them to keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Entrant Company
GoingClear Interactive
Website - Business to Business
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United States
Entrant Company
Avance Carat Guatemala
Advertising - Online AD
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Entrant Company
Every Now and Then Theatre
Audio - Radio Program
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Studio Eusebio
Marketing Branding & Design - Corporate Identity
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