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Fair Wagers was a FemCity Orlando event program aimed at decreasing the gender pay gap. Over the course of six events, FemCity Orlando educated attendees and raised awareness surrounding the gender pay gap. Each event drew more attendance than the previous event and all events were extremely popular with the membership.
Pixadactyl designed these illustrations as promotional items for the Fair Wagers events. They were used as stickers and name tags during the events. The main concept was women becoming empowered to earn more money. Beyond this concept, these illustrations also address the racial intersectionality that is often missing from female focused events. They encourage equal representation and pay across all races. Erica Jacobs, CCO of Pixadactyl, worked on the planning board for the Fair Wagers event series.
Entrant Company
Pivot Group
Video - TV Ad
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
The Girl Mirage
Photography - Fine Art
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Wallace Church & Co.
Marketing Branding & Design - Packaging Single
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
DreamPlay Media
Corporate Social Responsibility - Pro Bono (Free)
Country / Region
United States