Entrant Company
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Country / Region
Competent palliative care of terminally ill children and youths can only work in a multi-professional setting. For this purpose, Kinderpalliativ Netzwerk Nordrhein was founded under the leadership of Dr. Gisela Janssen. The network covers the regions of Lower Rhine, Rhine-Ruhr, and Bergisches Land. By linking different providers and bundling offers and informational overviews of regional care options, individual care of local families can be further optimized.
Within the scope of a pro-bono project, CRENEO is developing and realizing a new look for Kinderpalliativ Netzwerk Nordrhein. The logo, color world, image world, iconography, and typography now follow a uniform and modern visual language.
After a careful analysis of the segment, a new word-image-brand was created, which is now available in two variations. There is an advertised and an abbreviated version. At the same time, the figurative mark acts as a visual platform for the newly developed iconography concept. This is being used on the new website.
The focused and symbolical imagery transports the sensitive subject matters in a subtle way. In the many illustrations, a ship appears at irregular intervals. This acts as a stylistic element for the transition between life and death. At the same time, the illustrations form a bridge to the palliative team logos developed by sick children. The simplified and strong line of the illustrations achieves a high level of visual independence.
The web presence is kept simple and has a lot of white space. In relevant places, minimal animations support the information intake and act as focus points. The content is unevenly distributed on the viewable spaces, thereby breaking the monotony of a rigid pattern. Apart from the desktop view, additional layout versions were developed and designed for other devices.
CRENEO Case Study:
Entrant Company
Bluemango communications Pte Ltd
Video - Motion Graphics
Country / Region
Entrant Company
True North Inc.
Advertising - Online AD Campaign
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Strategic Programs - Brand Strategy Campaign
Country / Region
United Kingdom
Entrant Company
Flatland Creative
Video - Animation
Country / Region
United States