Entrant Company
Client's Name
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This site is unique because of the ultra-simple and clear user experience. We bottled down the website needs to just two categories, ABOUT and WORK. The Binyan website underwent multiple iterations in order to perfect the user experience on the WORK page, toggling between portfolio items (I.e. Gallery, Case Studies, Digital Experience, Film + Animation) seamlessly.
The customization of the site is also impressive. The client wanted the ability to pick the exact image/thumbnail displayed in the gallery of each project page instead of taking the Vimeo initial play screen, so every video on the WORK and project page gallery has the ability to be custom/manipulated.
Entrant Company
Social Media - Instagram Page
Country / Region
United Kingdom
Entrant Company
Vitalie Visuals
Social Media - Social Video
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Republiqe Clothing ltd
Website - Fashion
Country / Region
United Kingdom
Entrant Company
Miami Ad School Hamburg
Student Submission - Other
Country / Region
United States