Pride Mobility®: IT’S A SCOOTER THING

Entrant Company

Pride Mobility Products Corp.


Video - TV Ad Campaign

Client's Name

Country / Region

United States

Doris and Howard’s pursuit to obtain The Most Comfortable Recliner in the World, the VivaLift!®, was most successful. However, they wanted more and were anxiously ready to get out of their house to experience the Pride Mobility® scooter lineup.

We removed the stereotypical thought that “scooters are for old folks.” We pursued another mindset when crafting this scooter commercial lineup: keep it fun, full of life, with can-do attitude, and throw in a pinch of sleek and sexy.

The two premier commercials, “What Would We Do?” and “The Stand Off” featuring our characters Doris and Howard, deliver a new spin on power scooters and breathe new life into the idea of owning one.

The “It’s A Scooter Thing” campaign emphasizes that baby boomers know what they want, are in the “know,” and are hip enough to have Pride Mobility power scooters.

“Iconic brand characters have always been the central part of many memorable advertising campaigns in the past, and we believe that Doris and Howard are relatable characters that ring true to our demographics,” said Rhonda Perko, Vice President of Marketing at Pride Mobility.
“The strategy behind this campaign was to harness the consumers’ needs for a power scooter, take away an age-old misconception that scooters are for the elderly, and create a smart, strategic, and cheeky campaign that delivers a journey, tells a story and is presented at all touch points of consumer contact,” Perko said.

This is definitely not your grandparents’ scooter.


Vice President - Marketing
Rhonda Perko
Post-Production Manager/Coal Creative
Will McHale
Production Manager/Coal Creative
Alex Manganella
Design Director
Michael Forlenza
Marketing Business Strategist
Mary McCabe-Dunn
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