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The challenge: COVID-19 provincial restrictions required automotive retail in Manitoba to close for an extended period of time. When they could re-open, their capacity was significantly reduced and customers were hesitant to make a large purchase, like a vehicle, during such uncertain times. This negatively impacted Birchwood Automotive Group, which operates 31 dealerships in Manitoba and is the province’s largest automotive retailer.
The challenge was trying to connect with motivated buyers looking for the best vehicle without being able to step foot in a dealership. We understood that buyers were already doing more research outside of the dealership, but now, we needed to figure out a way that the Birchwood Brand Experience could be more digitally native, while also offering the same great buying experience for customers without ever visiting a dealership.
The one-line key insight: People are very familiar with researching their purchases and buying online, and now with the pandemic accelerating online buying trends, that means even buying large purchases online—like a vehicle.
The one-line idea: Birchwood is reinventing the car buying experience.
YouDrive as a brand tool distinctly communicates how Birchwood’s online shopping experience empowers users in a way no other Canadian dealership can. It’s a seamless omnichannel shopping experience that puts customers in control. Our value proposition represents the core of what digital retailing allows for Manitobans—empowerment, control and the ability to shop for a vehicle however they want. Value Proposition: You drive your online auto buying experience.
YouDrive is released in three phases. The first phase launched in February 2021 building off of Birchwood’s Buy From Home Program which launched in 2020 shortly after the pandemic hit and provincial restrictions required dealerships to close.
YouDrive is rolled out in three phases in 2021: February, April and August or September—with compounding features added along the way. This submission focuses on Phase 1. Tactics for this phase included building out the YouDrive experience on the Birchwood Website and promoting this new brand experience through paid and organic branded content along with a promotional video.
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