Young Folks Digital Marketing

Entrant Company

Vibranding Design SL


Corporate Identity - Brand Identity

Client's Name

Young Folks Digital Marketing

Country / Region


Our relationship with Young Folks came about through the social media, as many of them do nowadays. As well as through our mutual admiration for a job well done. Digital marketing and brand strategy cater to common concerns; this is why they must work together and offer an integrated service. Australia is no exception. That said, always with the ultimate aim of bonding with companies that have a different purpose, that want to change the rules of the game and help to build a better world with their own grain of sand.

In the breakneck-speed digital universe, brands that achieve immediate and powerful impact are the ones that will prevail and persist.
Let’s go online – Erin Morris from Young Folks asked us for a rebranding that would make them a cut above their competitors. Many companies in their sector spring up like mushrooms and attempt to compete by offering bargain-bin prices (by hiring cheap labour in other countries and standardising the service packages as if they were hiring an Internet connection). These companies that do not pursue a personalised and long-term relationship and service, like telephone operators, burn their customers when the latter need to take things to the next level. This is the niche in which Young Folks wants to position itself: a more mature client understands what it wants and already has enough experience to be able to appreciate and use quality work.


Creative Director
Marco González
More Gold Winners
MUSE Advertising Awards - MPI Website Design
Managing Partners Insurance

Entrant Company

Jump Creative


Website - Small Business

Country / Region

United States

MUSE Advertising Awards - Pandemic Oversight
The Pandemic Response Accountability Committee

Entrant Company

Mobomo, LLC.


Website - COVID-19-Related (NEW)

Country / Region

United States

Corporate Identity
MUSE Advertising Awards - Rio To Red Winery
Rio To Red Winery

Entrant Company

CBC Creative


Corporate Identity - Brand Identity

Country / Region

United States

Integrated Marketing
MUSE Advertising Awards - Meet Ann - Crystal Run Healthcare Testimonial Campaign

Entrant Company

Ashworth Creative


Integrated Marketing - Integrated Marketing Campaign

Country / Region

United States