MUSE Platinum


The Bias Inside Us - Online Exhibition

Entrant Company

Night Kitchen Interactive


Website - Education

Client's Name

Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service

Country / Region

United States

The Bias Inside Us—an exhibition and community engagement project from the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES)—is an exploration of the building blocks of bias, the psychology of how it forms, and how it influences behaviors both consciously and unconsciously. Bias is an innate human trait; we all have it. Being aware of our biases can help us recognize their influence and impact on our behaviors and worldview. The Bias Inside Us offers an opportunity to learn how to challenge bias in the world through awareness of one’s own bias.

In a year when physical gathering continued to be complicated, SITES pivoted from original thinking about engaging on this topic only in-person through an exhibition and public programs. The team partnered with Dr. Tessa Charlesworth from Harvard University and Night Kitchen Interactive to develop an online exhibition available at

The online exhibition supports the goals of the project to unpack and demystify the concept of bias. It expands upon them to reach a broader digital audience and dive deeper through additional interpretive commentary, animations, flip card interactives, and reflection activities. It features six sections including the Introduction, The Science of Bias, Bias in Real Life, Serious Consequences, #RetrainYourBrain, and Personal Reflection. It's built with a vibrant, dynamic design that reflects the physical exhibition while introducing a fresh browsing experience. It seeks to build a satisfying, engaging user experience that motivates and informs visitors, inspiring them to learn more about the content and themselves in the process.

The online exhibition appeals to a wide general userbase, targeting all individuals who are interested in self-analysis and reflection. It draws from the scientific research and educational work by psychologists Dr. Mahzarin R. Banaji and Dr. Tessa Charlesworth from Harvard University. Research and resources can be found on the Exhibition Resources page. It is a collective effort of the project's content committee, national advisors, Night Kitchen Interactive, and SITES. Major support is provided by The Otto Bremer Trust.


Guest Project Manager, SITES
Laura Zelle, M.A.
Content Director, SITES
Marquette Folley
Vice President of Science, Equity, and Education, Science Museum of Minnesota
Joanne Jones-Rizzi
Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University
Dr. Tessa Charlesworth
Licensed Family and Marriage Therapist, Detroit Pistons Team Psychotherapist/Life Coach
Dr. Corey Yeager
Night Kitchen Interactive
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