MUSE Platinum


Power of Penn State

Entrant Company

Penn State


Video - School / Universities

Client's Name

Country / Region

United States

We’re not just a university—we’re a community driven to make a difference. There is something special at Penn State that converts the “I” to the “we” and puts us all on a path together—students, faculty, staff, and alumni—to create meaningful impact in Pennsylvania and beyond. We recognize individuality but show that we are stronger and better together. That is what unites all of us and connects Penn Staters anywhere in the world.

In the Power of Penn State, we show that every person has potential. Potential isn’t always obvious, but we seek it out because it is powerful. We believe that it’s the driving force that moves each and every one of us to action. And—in this film—it’s a force you can see, feel, and hear. 

Penn State is the place where potential meets potential. Where combined efforts grow exponentially, and potential energy turns into kinetic energy. It’s a place where no matter what challenges arise, everyone’s prepared to face them together – and it’s how Penn State continues to grow a community of resilient people with powerful ideas that will shape the future.


Creative Director/Penn State
Jon Abels
Director of Brand Strategy/Penn State
Sara Simcox
Associate Vice President, Strategic Communications/Penn State
Tracy Powell
Brand Manager/Penn State
Emily Kissinger
Group Creative Director/Decoded Advertising 
Victor Sie
Senior Producer/Decoded Advertising 
Linzy Anderson
Business Affairs Director/Decoded Advertising
Liz Mistriel
Senior Art Director/Decoded Advertising 
Sam Cohen
Senior Writer/Decoded Advertising 
Jessica Joiner
Senior Designer/Decoded Advertising 
LaMae Nembhard
Head of Brand/Decoded Advertising
Lauren Sabedra
Chief Strategic Officer/Decoded Advertising
Val Nguyen
Brand Manager/Decoded Advertising
Olivia Hort
Project Manager/Decoded Advertising
Emma Tofte
Vice President, Strategic Communications/Penn State
Lawrence Lokman
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