Entrant Company
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Our goal was to develop a campaign that would create interest in wastewater treatment careers. In talking to the water leadership, we recognized an opportunity to develop ads that would resonate with employees in all stages of their career, including early career professionals. For this project, the art came before the copywriting, as we began looking at images of wastewater clarifying tanks. Through our exploration, we realized an aerial view of the tanks could resemble clocks and that served as inspiration for the theme of the campaign. We then conducted ideation sessions and identified several additional visual interpretations that we could potentially use, including a compass, speedometer, clockface, pendulum, magnifying glass, pie chart, straw, gauge, and sundial.
Entrant Company
Cynda Media Lab
Website - Education
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Skalawag Productions
Video - Motion Graphics
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Custom Legal Marketing
Website - Law & Legal Services
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Yuan Ze Univiversity/Wizard Films
Video - Animation
Country / Region