Entrant Company
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Chrome is thrilled to have played a part in broadcasting the first billion-dollar art sale at Christie's. 'Visionary: The Paul G. Allen Collection' achieved $1.5 billion in a single evening - a record for the industry. This broadcast demanded significant preparation, a unique global team, and an impressive and engaging production approach. Chrome focused on three main components: monumental and immersive screens to showcase the masterworks on offer, dynamic and fast-moving cameras, and a unique reverse angle to give the at-home audience a comprehensive understanding of the auction room. We introduced two telescoping tower cameras that craned over 13 feet above the audience, providing dynamic movement throughout the sale and capturing both sides of phone banks and the auctioneer. These were supplemented by carefully placing robotic cameras (similar to those used in live sporting events) that had been programmed to pick bids out of the room with the touch of a button. Our unique 'reverse' angle camera behind the auctioneer put viewers on the podium, providing them with what many felt was "the best seat in the house." The end result was two incredibly auctions broadcast live to 4 million global viewers across 6 hours of live auction, with 27 records broken, bids from over 20 countries, and all lots sold.
Entrant Company
Experiential & Immersive - Exhibition Experience
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Entrant Company
Experiential & Immersive - Experiential & Immersive / Other___
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Entrant Company
Player One Trailers
Video - Cinematography
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Kings Legacy Inc
Audio - Original Music (NEW)
Country / Region
United States