Entrant Company
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Television campaign for the elimination of bribery in healthcare
Communication objective
Mindset adjustment to eliminate the harmful social practice of patients paying gratuities.
• Gratuities are not only not required but are a distinctly harmful practice punishable by law.
• A gratuity is not an expression of gratitude.
• Giving a gratuity causes harm, as both the giver (patient, family member) and the recipient (healthcare provider) are liable to be punished by law. The subject is given added urgency by the fact that giving or receiving gratuities in healthcare were made highly illegal in Hungary in 2021.
Target group: Young generation (20s-30s age)
Medium: The campaign produced public service ads broadcast through various television channels.
The campaign’s greatest challenge is to combat existing, decades-long habits, patterns, and an ingrained mindset in the National Healthcare system relating to gratuities. Also, it was an additional challenge that the campaign’s subject fell outside the scope of interest of the young generation. Therefore, the film addressing this target group had to be striking, able to match the fast-paced media content consumed by this younger generation, and thus break through their indifference.
Creative concept
Rap Battle
Trendy format, the ad mimics a video clip.
The Rap Battle targets the younger generation. The subject is approached in a popular situation, familiar and relevant to the target group, by showing a classic rap battle between Good and Evil. The ad relies mainly on the music and the lyrics; therefore, we realized the spot as a video clip, with trendy visuals in an interesting setting, with hip characters, where the creative twist is in the lyrics that convey the serious subject of the campaign in an entirely unusual form.
The campaign was realized with the joint support of the Hungarian government and the European Union. There is a 3-second mandatory still at the end of the spot, presenting the information related to the joint financing.
Entrant Company
Magnetic Creative
Social Media - Food & Beverage
Country / Region
South Africa
Entrant Company
Inspire Agency
Video - Fund Raiser
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United States
Entrant Company
Social Media - Celebrity & Influencer
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Doe Anderson Advertising
Video - Motion Graphics
Country / Region
United States