Entrant Company
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Our dream was to go after a very big and very real shared reality impacting just about every parent (and child) on the planet right now — screens.
The epidemic of screen time for little ones (exasperated by the pandemic) is having real and serious effects on development, but keeping kids away from screens is nearly impossible. They are everywhere, they keep kids occupied, they help parents in a pinch… but every parent knows the dull eyes and post-screen comedown that occurs when kids have had too much.
We wanted to address the screen issue without imparting parental guilt and to offer hope and a solution. We wanted to show the shift a child experiences from passive screen spectator, to active participant in imaginative play. We wanted to remind parents and kids everywhere what it’s like to (re) Discover Imagination.
Our goal was to tap into that immersive sense of magic where stories and worlds feel larger than life and the child becomes the main character. The 'Discover Imagination' campaign, aimed not just at showcasing the product, but more importantly, at highlighting its impact on a child's imagination and spirit. Our strategy was to visually and emotionally immerse viewers into the vibrant, fantastical worlds that children craft in their mind's eye with the help of the Toniebox.
Childhood thrives on tactile play and unbridled imagination, we aimed to resonate with parents by showing that Toniebox as not another toy, but a catalyst for imagination unlocking magic at their children's fingertips and leading to bright eyes and joyous spirits.
The campaign successfully positioned Toniebox as more than a product; it's a gateway to adventure, creativity, and joyous discovery. It underscored the contrast between the dulling effect of screen time and the vivid, enriching experience provided by engaging with Toniebox.
Each frame of the campaign was a testament to the power of imagination, igniting a sense of wonder and possibility, not only in the minds of children but also in the hearts of those who care for them.
Entrant Company
Video - Trailers
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United States
Entrant Company
Integrated Marketing - Company Branding
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United States
Entrant Company
Gravity Global
Video - Sustainability & Environment
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United Kingdom
Entrant Company
Video - Animation
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