Safety to the Core

Entrant Company

Southwest Gas Corporation


Video - Workplace Culture

Client's Name

Brian Ball

Country / Region

United States

Our “Safety to the Core” video is a powerful visual representation of our company’s unwavering commitment to workplace safety. Launched as part of our 2024 safety campaign, this video serves as a reminder that safety is not just a set of rules, but a deeply ingrained principle that guides our actions and decisions.

Our Corporate Accident Prevention Committee (APC) unveiled the video in collaboration with Division APCs across our organization, marking the company-wide kickoff of our annual safety campaign. The theme, “2024: Safety to the Core,” encapsulates our belief that safety is central to our operations and drives our continued success.

The video is more than just a visual aid; it embodies our commitment to ensuring the safety of our employees, customers, and the communities we serve. Our goal is to ensure the safety of those in our communities by prioritizing their well-being and creating a safe environment for all. The video serves as a unified message, inspiring viewers to prioritize safety in daily tasks and interactions.

In creating this video, we aimed to enhance our culture of safety that extends beyond policies and procedures. We wanted to highlight that safety is a core value deeply rooted at the heart of our organization — an embodiment of our employees’ continued efforts to maintain a thriving safety culture.

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