MUSE Silver


Entrant Company



Website - Portfolio

Client's Name

Kat Buckley

Country / Region

United States

Filled to the brim with quirks and charm refuses the idea of web based portfolios being stagnant dumping grounds of work. Instead the website asks, what if they were visual playgrounds? Where users are encouraged to be active participants and think differently? is a modern, forward-thinking work that brings Web 2.0 functionality and charm to Web 3.0 practices. Built in Wordpress with Divi functionality, the website waltzes along a delicate balancing act. To have larger than life visual elements anchored in modern design choices - creating something that is stimulating but accessible.

To create cohesion and a feeling of balance the bright gradient colors and borders of its’ pages are anchored by well padded grid layouts. Unlike other web based portfolios, there are no secondary project links. To accommodate this image focused approach, detailed information on select projects are accessed through expandable boxes. This creates a moment of interactivity and opt-in.

Leveraging this modern sense of page layout allows fun elements like personality quizzes and secrets to not feel boundary breaking. With 26 secret pages and multiple, fully interactive quizzes the website's footprint is significantly larger than meets the eye. By encouraging the use of web literacy the internal structure of websites is taught to users. These users might not otherwise consider the ideas of hidden pages or tools like Google’s inspect. These skills in navigating the web at large becoming more and more valuable as times goes on.

Overall the writing of the work is geared towards personable and fourth wall breaking. This sense of camaraderie is meant to help ease the suspension of disbelief needed to interact with such a larger than life website. The idea being that the website and author are both separately ‘in on it’, whatever ‘it’ may be to each user. Directly addressing the user, referencing itself as both product and expression, hiding genuine moments of personal reflection, all of this culminates in having a unique authorial voice that leaves users with more questions than answers.

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Country / Region

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