MUSE Silver


An Experience in Innovation and Research Advancement

Entrant Company

Exhibit Craft


Event - Trade Show

Client's Name

University of Miami

Country / Region

United States

The University of Miami has long been a staple at eMerge Americas, consistently showcasing their cutting-edge technologies and research advancements. For the 2024 event, their goal was to create not only a visually striking exhibit but also one that embodied their commitment to innovation and research excellence. This year's design aimed to flexibly accommodate a variety of research projects while reinforcing the University's brand presence in a dynamic way.

However, the design process wasn't without its challenges. Delays in finalizing the list of research projects meant that the exhibit had to be versatile enough to present a wide array of projects cohesively. Additionally, the central Monolith Kiosk required a seamless integration of multiple monitors, lighting, and graphics, all while maintaining a unified aesthetic identity.

To meet these challenges, Exhibit Craft designed an immersive and visually stunning exhibit centered around a massive suspended structure showcasing the iconic University of Miami “U” logo. Measuring 38 feet wide and 23 feet long, this impressive “U” was strategically angled to frame the floor space below, creating an inviting and engaging entry point for attendees.

Visitors entering the exhibit were greeted by a sleek reception table, which echoed the rounded features of the University of Miami’s branding. Positioned in front of a captivating video wall, this setup drew visitors into the narrative of innovation and exploration. The video wall highlighted the diverse range of research and technologies presented by the University, setting the stage for the rest of the exhibit.

Custom kiosks, illuminated with vibrant LED lighting in the University’s brand colors, were strategically placed throughout the space. These kiosks showcased unique projects and initiatives led by the University’s students and research teams, underscoring the institution’s spirit of innovation and technological advancement.

The University of Miami’s exhibit at eMerge Americas 2024 successfully achieved its objectives, creating a powerful and memorable brand presence. The bold design, featuring the oversized suspended structure and dynamic video wall, captured attendees' attention and created a buzz throughout the event, showcasing the University’s dedication to innovation and research excellence.


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