Entrant Company
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Our AEC firm wanted to creatively showcase our work in the brewing and brewpub industry. As these facilities can be categorized as what most people consider the hospitality industry, we thought it would be more impactful if we included a nod to an ingredient the industry couldn't exist without. Thus, Hopsitality was born. We also wanted to highlight our expertise in a casual, conversational way that is in line with our company culture. The brochure was created (written and designed) in-house just this month, with a strategic plan to share it today (April 10) at the industry's largest conference and tradeshow in Denver. There is also an accompanying website, hopsitality.com.
Entrant Company
Snapshot Interactive
Website - Best User Experience
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Bad Penny Factory
Website - Events
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Snapshot Interactive
Website - Training / Knowledge Base
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Graphite Creative
Corporate Identity - Logos
Country / Region
United States