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AI Portraits is trained on millions of photos of actors and actresses. We are using the faces of people in front of the camera to activate portraits with our GAN model. The result is an image that examines the concept of identity, pushing the boundaries between the individual that recognizes herself/himself and the faces from the society of spectacle that are sedimented in the neural network.
What I see is myself? It is a fictitious re-creation of myself, the training data of the actors vaporize my image and create a dialogue between me and the celebrities. We see a cinematographic self, independent and separate from my actual self.
The images generated by AI Portraits are completely new and inspired by the face identified in the photos. There are no filters and visual effects, the portrait is generated by our Artificial Intelligence algorithms.
The intention is to share the experience of being portrayed by an AI algorithm, to discover how AI sees you. There is no willingness to improve or deform the starting picture.
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Raffles College of Higher Education Pte Ltd
Student Submission - Student Video
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Bad Penny Factory
Website - Professional Services
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United States
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Snapshot Interactive
Website - Best User Experience
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United States
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Firesite Films
Video - Food & Beverage
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United States