1 Please give us a brief bio of yourself and your creative background.

I am a Los Angeles-based Graphic Designer specializing in brand identity, spatial design, and editorial design. My passion for design began during my time studying Graphic Design at the ArtCenter College of Design, where I honed my skills and graduated with a degree in the field. However, prior to discovering my passion for Graphic Design, I explored other academic disciplines such as Communication Studies and Fine Arts. These diverse areas of study inspired me and helped shape my creative abilities. Throughout my journey, collaborating with writers and designers from various backgrounds has been a constant source of inspiration for me. The opportunity to work alongside individuals with different perspectives has pushed me to create designs that are both aesthetically beautiful and meaningful. I find joy in crafting designs that stand out from the ordinary, striving to create unique and impactful visual experiences. Ultimately, my experiences and exploration have solidified my commitment to pursuing Graphic Design as my chosen career path. I am driven by the desire to continue developing my skills, creating innovative designs, and making a positive impact through my work.

2 What made you become/why did you choose to become a creative?

I spent my childhood in a small town in China, where resources were limited. Despite the constraints, my parents always did their best to support me and encourage my exploration of various interests, such as piano, dance, and performance. As I delved deeper into these creative pursuits, my passion for pursuing a career in the arts grew stronger. The process of creating and bringing ideas to life brings me immense joy, and I find fulfillment in crafting meaningful experiences that inspire others. To me, design is boundless, transcending limitations and opening doors to endless possibilities. It is this boundless nature that fuels my eagerness to continually push myself and explore new horizons during my design journey. I am excited to embrace challenges, embrace growth, and continue creating work that resonates with others.

3 Tell us more about your business/company, job profile, and what you do.

I am currently employed at Elephant, a design agency, where I focus on building brand experiences, digital products, and overseeing production work. My current project involves collaborating with the Apple Newsroom team, which presents me with daily opportunities to adapt and implement new techniques and skills. The fast-paced and dynamic working environment has allowed me to effectively utilize my design skills and experiences to enhance workflow and structure within the team. Recently, I had the privilege of working on a visual identity project for Elephant XD Academy. In addition to co-leading the development of the logo, I had the opportunity to co-host workshops where I taught high school students about basic design principles. It was a rewarding experience to share my design knowledge with the younger generation, and I'm proud to mention that our website design for Elephant XD Academy has been nominated for an Award. This diverse range of experiences has taken my career in exciting and fulfilling directions, granting me the opportunity to explore the joys of the professional design world. Being able to contribute to meaningful projects and share my design expertise has been a testament to my abilities and a source of personal fulfillment.

4 To you, what makes a “creative” idea and/or design?

To me, creativity is about finding effective solutions that deliver clear and meaningful messages, allowing people to connect and derive satisfaction from them. It's not always about making sweeping changes; true creativity lies in uncovering the beauty in the ordinary and transforming it into something extraordinary. I draw inspiration and creativity from my daily encounters, particularly through observing people's lives and experiences. Even small improvements can greatly enhance the quality of others' lives. One project that exemplifies my creative process is the HUB project, which I submitted for the MUSE award. It stemmed from my interest in traveling and immersing myself in unique locations with distinct lifestyles. I believe this is the best way to learn about others' stories and gain inspiration. In order to differentiate HUB from other online vacation rental platforms, I sought to bridge the gap between online booking and the offline living experience. I wanted guests to feel the exclusivity of HUB's travel services from the moment of booking to the duration of their stay and departure. To achieve this, I designed at-home amenities, created home guides, and crafted welcome kits for guests to enjoy upon arrival. The HUB project encompassed not only the redesign of a system but also the creation of a website, packaging, and promotional videos. The key to true creativity lies in identifying and highlighting the unique qualities and differences of a brand, resulting in ideas and designs that truly stand out.

5 Congratulations! As the winner of the 2023 MUSE Creative Awards, what does it mean to you and your company and team to receive this award distinction?

I am incredibly grateful for the recognition and achievement I have received throughout my design journey. It is truly an honor to have the opportunity to share my work and ideas with talented individuals from around the world. Winning the MUSE Creative Awards has been a humbling experience, opening doors to various interviews and exposure opportunities. One of the highlights was having my work featured on Sina News, one of the largest Chinese media platforms. This allowed me to share my experiences as an award-winning designer and celebrate my achievements with a wider international audience. Additionally, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Voyage LA, a local news outlet in Los Angeles. They have a strong focus on uncovering hidden gems and highlighting the best design talents in the city. It was a fantastic opportunity to showcase my work and contribute to the thriving design community in Los Angeles. I am truly grateful for these platforms that have provided me with increased visibility and the chance to connect with a broader audience.

6 What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?

Design is to design a way of thinking. Design is not just about creating visual aesthetics; it is a way of thinking. It encompasses problem-solving, innovation, and the ability to shape experiences. Design thinking involves a mindset that seeks to understand and empathize with users, identify challenges, and devise creative solutions. It goes beyond the surface to consider functionality, usability, and the impact on individuals and society. Design thinking encourages exploration, iteration, and collaboration, allowing us to approach problems from different angles and envision new possibilities. By embracing design as a way of thinking, we can unlock innovative solutions and create meaningful experiences that positively impact the world around us.


Branded Content
MUSE Winner - HUB

Entrant Company

Xiaodie Design


Branded Content - Travel & Tourism