DRTV Cyber Monday

Entrant Company

Rocket Central


Video - Financial Services

Client's Name

Rocket Central

Country / Region

United States

For 2 days every year, Rocket Mortgage® runs its biggest sale of the year: Cyber Monday. For 2 days, whether buying a new home or refinancing an existing one, clients are able to get even more home for their money thanks to special pricing. In 2021, we wanted even more people to know what was happening by supporting the campaign with a TV spot that aimed to evoke one desired response: “I want that!”

The spot did this by focusing on vignettes that were bold and exciting, and that tapped into the interests of our audience: enjoying life and spending time with family. From the dad snoozing away in his newly renovated pool to the gamer racking up a high score in her new gaming space and the family simply putting away the groceries in their updated kitchen, each vignette built on top of one another to create a spot that connected these spaces and interests with the audience’s homeownership goals.

The resulting :30 spot would launch the day before Cyber Monday on Sunday, November 27, across all Rocket Mortgage media buys and air for 3 days. This coincided with a social campaign designed to retarget visitors to the Rocket Mortgage website and confirm just how much they can save this Cyber Monday. It was also complemented by a 2-day digital campaign that ran on Monday and Tuesday, and that resulted in one of the best and most engaging Cyber Mondays ever – not only for Rocket Mortgage, but also for its clients.


Project Manager
Joanna Mansour
Creative Strategist
Robbie Bailey
Copy Writer
Alison Hamilton
Senior Designer
Michael D'Agostini
Copy Editor
Erin Vader
Julie Etheridgge
Copy Editor
Ryan Dandin
Sound Design and Mix
Spencer Hall
Brett Warkentien
Managing Director, EP
Kristin Redman
Executive Producer
Wiebke Engel
Line Producer
Kellee Cragin
Director of Photography
Tommy Daguanno
Creative Editor
Annette Gianino
Finishing Editor
Brent Edwards
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