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The Challenge: Create a non-denominational, corporate holiday card to send out to clients that reflects the sophisticated, thoughtful Greystone brand, during an ongoing pandemic which has affected people in so many different ways. Greystone, a company whose tagline is, "where people matter," cares about their clients and the communities in which they live and work. The challenge of creating this holiday card was to bring forward a realistically optimistic perspective on a year that was full of unanticipated challenges, while also acknowledging everyone experienced a great deal of stress and uncertainty. We aimed to connect with people and their experience in a credible and human way.
Greystone 2021 Digital Holiday Card: The theme of the card is “future unknown”, and how we are all looking for the answers to life’s big questions. The color scheme of the card is in the Greystone color palette, which is a combination of bright and dark colors, to reinforce consistency with our brand. The card features different colored hands, which showcases our stated commitment to diversity equity and inclusion. The hands are shown using simple and relatable tools such as a magic eight ball and origami fortune teller, to try to tell the future, and as a result, the hands end up not receiving the answers or certainty they are looking for. The crystal ball a fortune teller uses then transforms into a snow globe to give our holiday card a touch of festivity without leaning towards any one specific holiday, in an effort to be as inclusive as possible. The messaging is optimistically powerful: “Whatever the future holds, it is clear we are stronger together.” And closes with wishes of comfort and joy during these times of uncertainty.
Entrant Company
tungsten branding
Corporate Identity - Corporate Identity / Other___
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United States
Entrant Company
Proxima Clinical Research
Website - Branding
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United States
Entrant Company
Social Media - Food & Beverage
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United States
Entrant Company
SFC Group
Advertising - Magazine AD (Campaign)
Country / Region
United States