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Ms.gov offers an easy, convenient way for Mississippians to access more than 350 online services, including driver license renewals, hunting and fishing license purchases, and MISSI, the state’s award-winning digital government chatbot has made finding these services much easier. As the first state in the nation to offer a state government chatbot, MISSI, now supports 400 types of interactions to support users seeking information quickly.
Additional notable innovations available on ms.gov include:
• MISSI, the ms.gov Chatbot – The state of Mississippi’s first chatbot, MISSI, is accessible from ms.gov and on citizens’ mobile devices, MISSI is able to direct users to what they are looking for, whether it is renewing their driver license to assisting with the latest on statewide Covid-19 information. Since launch, MISSI has handled over 150,000 citizen interactions and has vastly improved the availability of ms.gov citizen support statewide.
• Apple Business Chat – By using Apple Business Chat, users can get the information they need right in Messages on their iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch which makes connecting with Mississippi government as easy as texting their favorite people.
• myMississippi – It is difficult keeping up with your civic responsibilities—keeping your professional license current, renewing your driver’s license, paying taxes, and more. MyMississippi encourages users to set and receive reminders and alerts for services important to them, opening communication channels between state and citizen.
• Ask Mississippi Digital Voice Assistant – The Ask Mississippi Platform was one of the nation’s first voice assistant skills developed for state government. Citizens can access real-time COVID-19 case counts simply by “Ask Mississippi for the number of COVID cases?” Citizens can simply “Ask Mississippi” to set a reminder for when their driver’s license expires, provide their local state fishing report, ask for assistance in paying their taxes, receive traffic alerts before they leave for work or school, and hundreds of other supported interactions. Amazon Alexa and Google Home skills allow for direct citizen-to-government communication simply by using your voice.
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Projections, Inc.
Audio - Podcast
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United States
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Denis Widmann Design Studio
Corporate Identity - Brand Identity
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Rocket Central
Video - TV Ad
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United States
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Zulu Alpha Kilo
Video - Music Video
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