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The TooFar Media App contains ten multimedia novels by Rich Shapero that dare readers with giant metaphors, magnificent obsessions and potent ideas. Combining music, visual art, animation and video, Shapero spins provocative stories for the eyes, ears, and imagination.
The Village Voice applauds the TooFar Media App as “A delirious fusion of fiction, music and art.”
Features include:
Fully integrated music and video players, with over 100 original music tracks written by and contributed to by top musical talent, including Elsiane, Marc Ribot, Orenda Fink, Maria Taylor, and Marissa Nadler.
· Visionary artwork by Eugene Von Bruenchenhein, Ramón Alejandro, and many more.
· Art animations and videos featuring footage and discussions related to core ideas of the novels.
· Bonus albums, videos, audio tracks, and a short story.
· Q&As with the author for all titles.
Entrant Company
SFC Group
Advertising - Magazine Ad (Single)
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Shaanxi Honor Sign Engineering Co., Ltd.
Corporate Identity - Logos
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Entrant Company
Moya Design Partners
Integrated Marketing - Integrated Marketing Materials
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Website - Self-Promotion
Country / Region
United States