Entrant Company
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The imaginary radio dramedy plot has 15,000 radio stations link up soliciting listener donations and ideas to resolve the National Debt crisis. The show reveals true out-of-control spending on taxpayer funded credit cards issued to Congress, their staffs and Fed agencies. Show segments include a newstalk station, a country music station, the White House contacting a debt settlement company, an IRS office, and sprinkled throughout are citizen callers with ideas on how to solve the national debt. At the breaks, true factoids present the history of national debt, income tax, and the Amero- a possible currency replacement. The all-volunteer Every Now and Then Theatre’s broadcasts benefit foster children by providing broadcast CD copies to cast, crew and fans in trade for their donations to KVTA radio’s Children Services Fund. No one personally profits. Top local actors are selected countywide, mixed with beginners and a celebrity host. Participants are allowed one rehearsal, then perform.
Entrant Company
Preston Spire
Video - Nonprofit
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Blue Telescope Laboratories LTD.
Experiential & Immersive - Experiential & Immersive / Other___
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Music With No Expiration®
Corporate Social Responsibility - Pro Bono (Free)
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
International Monetary Fund
Integrated Marketing - Integrated Marketing Campaign
Country / Region
United States