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We take a bold and dynamic look at Azad M. Madni, a tenured professor and the Executive Director of the Systems Architecting and Engineering Program at USC Viterbi School of Engineering who found his initial inspiration from John F. Kennedy’s “Go to the moon speech.” An Immigrant from Mumbai, India, Madni excelled in academia to become a renowned researcher and educator, successful entrepreneur, acclaimed author, and philanthropist. In celebration of Madni’s impressive career he was awarded the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Bernard M. Gordon Prize for Innovation in Engineering and Technology Education. But more specifically for his creation of transdisciplinary systems engineering education (TRASSE™), which has revolutionized USC’s Systems Architecting and Engineering Program curriculum. “Receiving the Gordon Prize is the crowning achievement of my entire academic career,” said Madni. What better way to commemorate this moment than with this emotional, informative, and cinematic visual representation created by Academic Lens.
Entrant Company
Typography - Personal Work / Unpublished
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United States
Entrant Company
Rescue Agency
Video - Cause / Awareness (NEW)
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United States
Entrant Company
Video - Cause / Awareness (NEW)
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Video - Business to Business
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United States