Entrant Company
Client's Name
Country / Region
This website design was completed by our team with the intention of creating a web piece that would be both user-friendly and would help establish a clear-cut brand for the client. The inspirational, beachy imagery paired with strategic use of the brand's bold accent colors help create a tone that is both tranquil and inspiring. The structure and design of the site provide for a clean, relaxing user experience that, paired with subtle calls to action, helps motivate those struggling with addiction, substance abuse, or mental health disorders to seek treatment. The script typeface is used sparingly throughout the home page to provide a subtle call-back to the logo and extend the brand. The graphics used in the sidebar of the interior pages also mimic the logo and help provide dimension and visual interest on pages that are rich with content and useful links for users seeking more information about treatment.
Entrant Company
All Rise Say No To Cyber Abuse
Video - Nonprofit
Country / Region
United Kingdom
Entrant Company
Audio - Podcast
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Clarity Partners, LLC
Website - Government
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Lisa Cain Design
Corporate Identity - Brand Identity
Country / Region
United States