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In 2020, because of the outbreak of coronavirus keeping us away from each other. There are many disinfection products in the market, but Fence Wall products wants to breaking away from the traditional, boring stereotype of household disinfection products in Chinese market. We want to make the product stand out in terms of packaging design.
We found the most environmental and common protection material in China, the " Fence Wall ", which usually surrounds people's houses to keep them safe.
We starting from the font design of the brand name, with natural mud pinched "篱笆墙" outline of 3 Chinese words, and the negative form of the three symbols "+", "-" and "#" in the font are all extracted from the local graphics of fence wall. Combined with the font outline, so as to quickly establish the brand name recognition.
Fence Wall products wants to breaking away from the traditional, boring stereotype of household disinfection products in Chinese market. We found a breakthrough in the production process: touch of the paper. We collect bamboo from the waste fence wall and use the bamboo paper process to make it into packaging paper. "篱笆墙" three words through the foaming process in printing, to reflect the earth's sense of reality and three-dimensional sense. In the sense of touch, the rough handmade paper and foaming process immediately evoke the Chinese courtyard scene and security sense of fence wall. We use black and white color in a large area, which not only reflects the clean, pure, sanitary disinfection products, but also conforms to the current fashion aesthetic.
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Lounge Group
Video - TV Ad Campaign
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Global Press Journal
Website - News & Newspaper
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United States
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Pulse Creative
Website - Financial Services
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United States
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Strategic Program - COVID-19-Related (NEW)
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Saudi Arabia