Entrant Company
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While the pronunciation of our company name is difficult for many, it is quite a conversation starter. People remember our name after trying to pronounce it several times, committing it to their short and long term memory. SYZYGY means the alignment of three celestial bodies, which is represented in our logo by three Y's. Each of our core three tenets, design, technology, and lifestyle, are represented by one of these three Y's. Words with three Y's are also difficult to forget, making our logo and company name intentionally successful in both marketing and sales. In respect to the overall design of the logo, the color blue represents the color of the sky, and the missing lines through the logo's lettering projects the appearance of viewing the sky through a louvered roof. The color blue is also key in establishing trust with our clients and partners.
Entrant Company
Digital Brew
Video - Animation
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United States
Entrant Company
Concepts Communications
Website - Diversity & Inclusion
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Experiential & Immersive - Exhibition Experience
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Entrant Company
Xizhen Ning, Hang Zhou
Student Submission - Student Illustration
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