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This is the inspirational story of how Amparo International evolved from humble beginnings of being a small independent mission helping people working in a local garbage dump to building a school serving over 200 students in the extremely remote community of Mango in Nicaragua. Hear the story of how founders, Brent & Michelle Ellingson gave up their life in Canada to follow their calling to do missionary work in Nicaragua and after a few short mission trips to Mango, they embedded themselves in the community and started finding solutions to the health and social issues that they discovered. Brent & Michelle have overcome incredible obstacles so that they could improve the lives of children and families living in this remote region of the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.
Entrant Company
AARP Studios
Video - Informational
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United States
Entrant Company
Rocket Central
Video - Nonprofit
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United States
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Video - Business to Business
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United States
Entrant Company
We Are Teachers
Website - Education
Country / Region
United States