MUSE Silver


China goose

Entrant Company

Hangzhou NetEase Yanxuan Trading Co., Ltd


Branded Content - Fashion & Beauty

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China Goose is a down jacket brand under a leading Chinese e-commerce platform, NetEase Yanxuan. With its brand philosophy deeply rooted in the synergy of “Made in China” and “premium Chinese goose down”, its aims to provide high-quality down jackets at exceptional value by optimizing supply chain management and adopting a direct-to-consumer business model.
The brand’s visual design has been thoughtfully crafted to enhance its appeal and build an emotional connection with the target audience. The logo features the “China Goose” Chinese characters in a clean and bold font, making the brand name memorable. Additionally, the brand has created a unique IP character - the head of the WarmFire R&D Center. This virtual scientist, dedicated to warmth technology, has a vibrant personality that conveys the brand’s values and energy from multiple angles. This character serves as a crucial bridge between the brand and consumers, helping to tell the brand’s story and deepen consumer recognition and emotional connection.
The brand uses a core color palette of red, gold, and black. “China Red” symbolizes passion and celebration, reflecting the brand’s national identity. “WarmFire Gold” conveys a sense of warmth and premium quality. “Subtle Black” adds a modern and sophisticated touch. The combination of these three colors maintains a traditional aesthetic while also exuding a contemporary and trendy vibe.


Xue Cai
Bowen Jiang
Zhenyu Li
Zhixin Chen
Yajie Shi
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