Yapi Kredi Mobile

Entrant Company

Yapi Kredi


Mobile App - Services

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We always aim to sustain our leader position by rapidly introducing innovations. Therefore, we keep enhancing our services using different technologies. The trends and technology are just the enablers. “Customer” is our biggest business driver. With this philosophy, we focused on customers’ behavior while creating our roadmap and executing strategic actions. Along the journey of building digital bank of Turkey, we focus on 5 main areas:
We positioned “mobile” as the remote control of the bank for our mobile convergence strategy. We aim to make all touchpoints intercommunicate under the same roof. Starting with onboarding process, we have designed seamless processes driven by Mobile. Users can become Yapı Kredi customer without going to branch by simply entering personal information and confirming their identity over video chat via mobile, as the first in Turkey.
As the sector leader in Turkey regarding number of credit cards, digital payment solutions are crucial for us. We developed various digital payment solutions for a seamless payment experience. We provide several payment methods: HCE based NFC payment, payment via QR code, in-car payment, online shopping loan integration with e-commerce companies, and payment integration with government’s tax platform.
We also aim to design end-to-end digital processes. For instance, users can now easily become a Yapı Kredi customer by verifying their identity via Video Banking infrastructure on Yapı Kredi Mobile, without any need to visit branch.
We focus on providing superior customer experience. In 2020, we renewed our app interface by Flat 2.0 design principles, which involve adding depth in design elements with minimal shadow usage as well as white background, big & bold fonts and; limited & minimal usage of color transitions. These principles enabled the decrease of UX/UI based problems. The contrast created with them also enabled us to launch the dark mode version of the app.
For expanding our ecosystem, we believe APIs are the most powerful tool for Fintech collaboration and it is one of our strategical focuses. We launched Yapı Kredi API Portal in 2017 and developments in the API area have been continuing since then.

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